Please answer to following questions when contacting your homeopath to get help during acute disease - cold/flu, trauma, digestive disturbances, poisoning, heat stroke, etc.
Main Complaint. What are the main physical symptoms at the moment?
Any exiting cause for the disease - getting chilled, physical trauma, stress, etc?
Please point out the exact location of the discomfort/pain, character of pain.
What time during the day symptoms get worse/better?
What makes the symptoms worse, what makes them better?
Thirst - home much water do you want to drink, how often, what temperature?
Food cravings and aversions since the symptoms developed.
Are you feeling cold or hot?
Do you perspire? If yes, when and where?
Changes in emotional state during the course of acute illness.
Sleep - how do you sleep? What position during the sleep you prefer? Any unusual dreams?
How having symptoms affect you emotional state, how does it make you feel?