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It is very important to remember that

  • High temperature is not a disease, but body's attempt to get rid off the disease.

  • High fever is a defensive mechanism and indication that your immune system is working and in a fighting mode.

  • For production of interferon and other biochemical substances that fight viruses, bacterias, and the microorganisms we need temperature above 38'C.

  • High fever blocks process of multiplication of foreign agents (viruses, bacteria).

  • Helps to elevate level of white blood cells (leukocytes), which fight viruses and bacteria.

  • Creates malaise, so you will rest and your body will take energy to heal.

  • 39 - 40'C temperature it is sign how hard your immune system works in order to clean your body.

What are the results of fear of high temperature - thermophobia?

  • Antipyretics that are available now on the marker interrupt natural healing process.

  • Antipyretics turn off body's defensive mechanism and our body becomes defenceless against virus or bacteria. Disease can become chronic.

  • Use of antipyretics prolongs the disease.

  • When drug will act our body will need to fight twice as more foreign agents that feel comfortable to multiply in lower temperatures. It leads to exhaustion of our defence system and its ability to bring higher temperatures to fight viruses.

  • When you use antipyretics the disease can go away for short period of time and then will come back, because the body was not able to fight it on its own.

  • These drugs are real threat for the liver. According to USA statistics, the main cause for liver insufficiency in USA is irreversible liver damage due to paracetamol use.

  • Use of aspirin during high fevers is very dangerous as it can cause heavy damage of the brain, called Reye's syndrome.

According to many doctors, scientists, specialists in Integrative Medicine, it is not advisable to bring down high temperature, except in cases of rare cases of genetic disorders, heat stroke and poising by chemical substances, affecting thermoregulatory centre in your brain.

It is important to know that there are general biological laws that govern the fight against infection. They allow to put the whole disease at the time frame (at least when it comes to acute infection). On the thirds day, the maximum production of interferon occurs - therefore, after the thirds day of illness, the condition should improve. On the fifth day, antibodies are produced, after which the temperature should return to normal. Luck of appetite, discomfort, capriciousness during the fever are symptoms accompanying the disease, and is a sign that immune system is working. Make sure to dink a lot, hydration is the most important. Return of appetite is a sign that disease is over.

When to worry and call your doctor?

  • when fever lasts more then 5 days,

  • when temperature was cause by heat stroke,

  • due to poisoning,

  • when fever accompanied by projectile vomiting,

  • when yo see sign of apathy, no desire to drink, when skin looses elasticity and normal color.



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